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    电影小吉的选择是由大导演Sonam Nair 2013年执导的一部印度发行的喜剧,喜剧片类影视作品,由Riya Vij 迪维亚·达塔 Arbaz Kadwani Taaha Shah Doorva Tripathi 领衔主演,  Gippi is a 14-year-old girl who lives in Simla with her mother Pappi and little brother Booboo. She is overweight and awkward and doesn't know how to handle the physical, emotional and social changes happening in her life. In school, she is a backbencher and is constantly bullied by the popular queen-bee Shamira. At home, she's trying to figure out how to deal with living in a broken home. In the middle of all this chaos, she falls madly in love with an older, brooding heartbreaker. When her love story comes to a humiliating end, and she is publicly scorned, she decides to take her life in her hands and accepts Shamira's challenge to stand against her in the school elections. Whatever the final outcome might be, Gippi makes sure she has a great time in the journey, filling it with delicious desserts, funny teachers, school crushes, and Shammi Kapoor dances. Gippi is a coming-of-age story of an ordinary, overweight girl, who, through the course of the film, learns to love herself for ..



    • 3.0HD登月计划 Moonshot (2022)拉娜·康多,梅森·古丁,科尔·斯普罗斯,卢卡斯·盖奇,扎克·布拉夫,蜜雪儿·伯托,克里斯蒂尼·亚当斯,埃米莉·拉德,KevinBrown,杰伊·古铁雷斯,杰森·麦克唐纳,SunitaDeshpande,埃里克·蒂德,阿德丁博·汤玛斯,查瑞蒂·塞万提斯,戴维·约翰逊
    • 3.0HD天才小提琴家贾娜尔·帕里希,卡洛斯·佩纳,阿丽夏·维加,Tommy,Ragen,Levi,Dylan,雷文-西蒙尼,Rodney,Hicks,本·米利肯,Nana,Ghana,Dana,Byrne,Gianna,Harris,托马斯·卡斯普,Bill,Lewis,肖恩·麦克纳马拉,Emma,Ragen,Nick,Spano
    • 5.0HD摇滚万万岁罗伯·莱纳,迈克尔·麦基恩,克里斯托弗·格斯特,哈里·谢尔,布鲁诺·柯比,小艾德·博格里,比利·克里斯托,安杰丽卡·休斯顿,佛莱德·威拉特
    • 8.0HD极品基老伴:完结篇伊恩·麦克莱恩,德里克·雅各比,弗朗西斯·德·拉·图瓦,伊万·瑞恩,玛西娅·沃伦,菲利普-沃斯,艾琳·阿特金斯,弗兰西斯·巴贝,阿利斯泰尔·布拉默,理查德·加德
    • 2.0HD荣归故里鲁本·乌特克·亚克斯
    • 1.0HD我要你开花刘洋,夏炎,强巴才丹
    • 5.0HD方托马斯 Fantômas路易·德·菲奈斯,让·马雷,米琳娜·德蒙若
    • 1.0HD老板度假去安德鲁·麦卡锡,乔纳森·斯沃曼,凯瑟琳·玛丽·斯图尔特,特利·奇瑟,Don,Calfa,Catherine,Parks,埃洛伊丝·德约丽娅,Gregory,Salata,路易斯·基亚姆布拉沃,特德·科特切夫,Margaret,Hall,Timothy,Perez,Mark,Kenneth,Smaltz,Anthony,Mannino,Polly,Segal,Robert,L.,Horen,Bruce,Paul,Barbour,杰森·威奈勒,Jack,Hallett,斯德法诺斯·米尔特萨卡基斯,乔治·张,L
    • 7.0HD倔强的牛顿拉吉·库玛,潘卡·特里帕蒂,安佳丽·帕蒂尔,拉格胡维尔·亚达夫,
    • 4.0HD喜剧大过天玛格丽特·柯林,凡妮莎·雷,凯瑟琳·沃特斯顿,布莱恩·科尔文,詹姆斯·沃克,Hannibal,Buress,乔什·塞加拉,Max,Jenkins,Heléne,Yorke,克里斯托弗·西贝尔,Amanda,Perez,马西娅·德波尼斯,Rebecca,Naomi,Jones,朱莉·霍尔斯顿,杰姬·霍夫曼
    • 6.0HD国庆之女Vimala,Pons,Grégoire,Tachnakian,Vincent,Macaigne,Marie-Lorna,Vaconsin,Thomas,Schmitt
    • 5.0HD卡蜜儿Sienna,Miller,James,Franco,David,Carradine

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