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    • 电影恶魔的糖果播放列表
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    电影恶魔的糖果是由大导演肖恩·伯恩  2015年执导的一部美国发行的恐怖,恐怖片类影视作品,由伊桑·恩布里 施瑞·阿普莱碧 Kiara Glasco 普路特·泰勒·文斯  领衔主演,Metal music, wet paint, and family are the passions of Jesse, a struggling painter who lives a happy life with his wife, Astrid, and their preteen daughter, Zooey. And things look even brighter when Jesse and Astrid are able to put in a bid on their dream home - a huge property in rural Texas with a barn big enough for a proper art studio - after the price is driven down due to the home's mysterious past. After the trio moves in, Jesse's work starts taking on a new, considerably darker flavour - and things get even more ominous when Ray, the hulking, clearly unbalanced son of the deceased former owners, appears on the doorstep one night, clutching a red electric guitar and asking to "return home." It soon bees clear that Ray and Jesse are both being influenced by the same satanic forces, and that Jesse's family won't be safe until they find a way to quiet the Devil himself



    • 4.0HD卡塔吉娜号的最后航行国语哈维尔·博泰特,大卫·达斯马齐连,艾斯琳·弗兰乔茜,利亚姆·坎宁安,科里·霍金斯,斯蒂芬·卡皮契奇,乔恩·琼·布里恩斯,尼古拉·尼克拉斐,克里斯·瓦利,伍迪·诺曼,SallyReeve,NicoloPasetti,MartinFurulund
    • 3.0HD维克多·弗兰肯斯坦 Victor Frankenstein詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊,丹尼尔·雷德克里夫,杰西卡·布朗·芬德利,安德鲁·斯科特,马克·加蒂斯,露易丝·布瑞丽
    • 8.0HD狮口惊魂国语布里吉特·莫伊纳汉,彼得·威勒,卡莉·许洛德,杰米·巴特利特,康纳·道兹,阿什利·泰勒,图米绍·麻沙
    • 3.0HD亲切的警察金允慧,郑镇云,金秉玉,姜文英,尹基元,정정아,신준철,장하란
    • 9.0HD牧师之女艾玛·罗伯茨,琪兰·席普卡,罗伦·荷莉,詹姆斯·瑞马尔,露西·宝通,艾玛·霍泽尔,马修·斯特菲克
    • 8.0HD密室逃脱埃文·威廉斯,安娜贝拉·史蒂文森,伊丽莎白·豪尔,丹·J·约翰逊
    • 6.0HD背后有眼国语詹妮薇芙·布卓
    • 4.0HD隔绝之巢Francesca,Cavallin,Ginevra,Francesconi,贾斯汀·科罗夫金,毛里齐奥·隆巴迪,Elisabetta,De,Vito,Valentina,Bartolo,Cristina,Golotta,Roberto,Accornero,Carlina,Torta,Fabrizio,Odetto,Troy,James,Elia,Francesco,Barbero,Gabriele,Falsetta,Gianmaria,Martini,Massimo,Rigo,Edoardo,Rossi
    • 5.0HD撒旦来临阿贾耶·德乌干,马达范,janki,bodiwala
    • 6.0HD看不见的邪恶Richard,Hatch,Tim,Thomerson,Cindi,Braun
    • 8.0HD巴斯克维尔的猎犬1959彼得·库欣,安德鲁·莫瑞尔,克里斯托弗·李
    • 10.0HD一勺糖摩根·塞勒,凯特·福斯特,米科·奥利维尔

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