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    • 电影不听话的女孩播放列表
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    电影不听话的女孩是由大导演德米特里·苏沃洛夫 2023年执导的一部俄罗斯发行的剧情类影视作品,由亚历山大·佩特罗夫 Anastasiya Reznik 领衔主演,  Twenty-year-old Elya is a student and a future ecologist. One day, Matvey, the head of a construction company, comes to her university to talk about a development plan on the site of an old forest park. Elya does not hesitate to smash his project to smithereens. Matvey is intrigued by the girl's self-confidence and uses his usual methods of influence - he simply tries to "buy" her. But Elya doesn't need a sponsor. Then Matvey, surprised by her impregnability, offers Elya a bet: seven romantic days according to his rules. If after that the girl still decides to leave, he will refuse to build a skyscraper in the forest park. She agrees when Matvey really suspends the design work. Elya sees herself as something like the heroine of the film Pretty Woman, but Matvey turns out to be not at all the person she imagined



    • 3.0HD听见寂静Jan,Kwiecinski,Eva,Pedraza,Emma,Jane,拉斯·多普勒,Simon,Hangartner,Clarissa,Molocher,Antonia,Langenohl,Andreas,Zahn,Andreas,Erb,Ana,Sanchez,Marina,Koch,Dominik,Fenster,Oliver,Troska,Jessica,Reichert,Maximilian,Grüneisen,Matthias,Horn,Vera,Stadler,,Alexandra,Gra
    • 6.0HD群众埃莉诺·博德曼,詹姆斯·默里,伯特·罗奇
    • 9.0HD有一种喜欢李玉玺,毕书尽,王暄晴,宝弟,
    • 9.0HD欧洲特快车让-马克·巴尔,芭芭拉·苏科瓦,乌多·基尔,恩斯特-胡戈·贾勒加德,Erik,M?rk,J?rgen,Reenberg,亨宁·詹森,埃迪·康斯坦丁,马克斯·冯·叙多夫,Benny,Poulsen,Erno,Müller,Dietrich,Kuhlbrodt,Michael,Phillip,Simpson,Holger,Perfort,Anne,Werner,Thomsen
    • 8.0HD著草走佬做大佬谷峰,田丽丽
    • 4.0HD世界语法大陆剧情片
    • 4.0HD绑架2赵依娜,刘裕龙
    • 3.0HD前进,人民萨利姆·道,Suhel,Haddad
    • 5.0HD非常突然1998国语任达华,刘青云,蒙嘉慧,黄卓玲,许绍雄,林雪
    • 4.0HD血缘关系高德军,臧晋,杜贺
    • 8.0HD铁路劳工科林·费尔斯,,妮可·基德曼,,杰瑞米·艾文,,真田广之,,斯特兰·斯卡斯加德
    • 4.0HD林中迷案李丁,王伟平,韦国春

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